
Salt and Light World Missions is a Christian outreach program targeting the children of the Subanen Tribe in the remote mountain village of Campos Dos on the island of Mindanao, in the Philippines. 

Through the children’s outreach program, we are providing the tribal children with much needed food, clothing, school supplies, as wells as meeting the children’s medical and dental needs.

Most importantly, we share God's love by having a time of sharing Bible stories, memorizing a Bible verse, singing songs and playing various games with the children prior to feeding them a meal and distributing food and other supplies.




In order to continue our outreach with the Central; Subanen Tribe and local Filipino people, the goals of Salt and Light World Missions over the next two years are:

  • To build a dormitory for children to stay in town. This would enable the children who choose to continue their education to attend high school in town.
  • The development and implementation of the Paglaum "Hope" Foundation which is a Scholarship program for High School students. 
  • Working with Victory Church Dipolog to form a life group in Sindangan which will become a church plant. 


The Subanen Tribe is believed to have established on Mindanao Island during the Neolithic Era, or the New Stone Age.

The Subanen people are scattered primarily on the islands of Mindanao and Luzon, and are tribal in nature. They have remained isolated from modernization and still live a lifestyle based on survival.

The people of the Subanen are farmers. Their main crops are wet rice and corn; while vegetables, tobacco, and coffee are grown as secondary crops. Some domestic animals such as pigs, goats, and chickens are raised on the farms.

The most common form of farming is in the “swidden” fields. (These are temporary gardening plots produced by cutting back and burning existing vegetation usually near their homes.) The farmers also depend heavily on irrigated rice terraces which are located on the mountain slopes. Since the “slash and burn” methods of farming are still being used, the crop yield is generally poor.


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